Week 18

Our little onion has grown into..... I guessed mango, Joe guessed grapefruit....we stink at this... a Bell Pepper! 
I love my bell pepper, but I do miss my onion! I actually bought a bunch of bell peppers this week to snack on.  I think she's a yellow one. ;-)

She's been moving and grooving this week.  She already seems to have a schedule.  I usually feel her soon after I eat breakfast number one which is usually between 6-8am. And then again once the day winds down after dinner and it's couch time. And then again when I wake up from the couch to go to bed which is usually around 12-1am.  She's so cute! 

I've been playing guitar for her too and sometimes she wiggles during that.   

It's relatively been a quiet week, otherwise.  

Daddy and Uncle Wayne picked up her crib this morning! So, that's exciting. 
It's in the garage until we get her room in order..... that'll be a project! 

Anyway, we get to see her in 2 days at our next appointment! 

Mommy can't wait! 

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